July 26, 2024

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Writing an email to a teacher is easy, but you have to use a series of formal techniques to avoid being

Writing an email to a teacher is simple, but you have to use a series of formal techniques to avoid looking bad. We tell you how to do it.

During the degree we are going to need to write a few emails or emails to several professors, but we can screw up and not give a good impression if we do not know the appropriate formalisms to address them.

They are usually very busy

First of all, make sure that sending the email is necessary. University professors , in addition to teaching in your group and in a few others in different subjects and degrees, are also dedicated to research or carry out other work in the public or private sphere, so it is not that they have a lot of time left over . to read and answer emails from all his students. That is why it is essential that you do not waste their time and that you make sure that your doubts cannot be resolved in other ways (for example, by reading the study plan and the method of evaluation of the subject).


When you write the email , summarize and explain yourself clearly in the least space possible. Don’t get bogged down with superficial explanations: get to the point. State your doubts or arguments in a simple way and do not get especially creative. It is not about writing literature, but about transmitting a message and, of course, take care of the wording , accentuation and spelling mistakes .

formalisms work

The mail should always begin with an appropriate greeting. The normal thing is to put “Dear teacher” or “Dear teacher” (even if you do not appreciate them, it is a very appropriate formalism) and, if we want, their last name, although it is not necessary.

The next step is to identify ourselves: no matter how much we have spoken a thousand times with the teacher, we should not assume that he knows who we are, especially considering the hundreds of students he sees every day. To do this, we must not only put the name and surname, but also the degree to which we belong and the name of the subject that we are taught, for example:

Dear teacher:

My name is Pepa Pérez Pérez and I am a student of yours in the Clinical Psychology subject of the Criminology degree.

Next, the body of the message is composed. This, as we have said, must be concise, clear and we will always address the teacher treating it as you, asking for things please and without making demands:

I am writing to you because, unfortunately, it will be impossible for me, for work reasons, to attend the examination review at the time you have set for tutorials and I beg you, if possible, to grant me another tutorial in the afternoon.

And we say goodbye thanking you for your understanding and that kind of formal thing:

I thank you for your understanding and I await your response.