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Short On Ideas? 35+ Essay Topics For Your Reference

Writing a paper like a dissertation can leave students in tears, especially the criticalities the task tends to possess. No wonder many students approach professional writers with requests like “please help me to do my essay for me because they need expert guidance to compose a complex paper on time.

However, most students need help to find the right topic for their papers. Whether it’s a dissertation or a college essay, good topics help students to stay focused and interested in completing the assignments on time.

How do you find the best topic for your English essay or economics homework help without seeking help from professional experts? Well, it’s easy! Just make sure you follow these tricks:


  • Identify your area of interest and search for relevant topics
  • If you have a broad discipline, pick a specific keyword to narrow down your search
  • Always opt for topics you have some knowledge about. If not, you will run to experts with requests like “please write my essay or do my dissertation.”
  • Shortlist topics with sufficient background details, databases, and other resources
  • Consult your tutor/professor beforehand and get your topic approved if you are unsure
  • Pick two or three topics to change the initial topic if the need arises.

If you consider these tips, brainstorming topics will become much easier, and you will gain more interest in writing your assignment. Nevertheless, we have enlisted some trending and interesting essay topics to inspire you. You can refer to the list and coin your own topic.


  1. What will life be like in 2050?
  2. Your ideal summer vacation
  3. Talk about your personal victory or success
  4. A trip to your dream place
  5. Describe meeting your idol or a celebrity
  6. Discuss why the sale of tobacco should be banned
  7. The death sentence should be legalised in all countries
  8. Homeschooling – Analyse the pros and cons
  9. Climate change and your role in it
  10. Illegal immigrants should be treated with kindness
  11. Importance of higher education in the 21st century
  12. Girls should be motivated to take part in all types of sports
  13. Social media is the key cause of depression among teenagers and young adults
  14. Fathers should also get paternity leave
  15. Is the American education system ideal for all?
  16. Dogs posing a danger should be euthanised
  17. How effective is LinkedIn in the job search?
  18. Your idea of a perfect day
  19. An experience that changed you as a person and how
  20. A popular television series that disappointed you
  21. How would you describe yourself to a stranger?
  22. An incident that restored your faith in God
  23. Talk about an incident that gave you a hard reality check
  24. Technology and its influence on your life
  25. The time you contemplated death
  26. Your biggest pet peeve
  27. Effect of violent games on teenagers
  28. Why are divorce rates so high compared to the last decade? (You can take help from best divorce lawyers in Singapore)
  29. Effective ways of becoming more productive and academically successful
  30. Brexit: Analyse the pros and cons
  31. Why does one use drugs?
  32. How important is getting a degree?
  33. What are the upsides and downsides of pursuing your passion?
  34. Major stressors in today’s time
  35. Fashion today vs thirty years ago
  36. What triggers suicidal thoughts?
  37. Feminism movement and its global impact
  38. Legalities around same-sex marriage – pick any country

Now that you have the list, remember to bookmark it. All the best!

Summary: Written assignments are disliked by the majority of students worldwide. It’s mostly because of the time and effort such tasks demand. However, the entire process can become more manageable when you have a good topic to work with. Want to learn how to find the right topic for your assignment? Read this article to find out.

Author-Bio: Alley John is a professional academic writer and editor with, a leading global assignment & homework help service.