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Risks of Unsupervised Internet Use for Children: Why Monitoring is Essential

Parental Control Software

We all know the world has changed. That includes the way children interact online. And while it can be a fun and exciting place with many learning opportunities, it poses potential risks.

As parents, staying on top of our kids’ activities on the internet is essential. But many of us are unsure how to monitor our children’s internet use without invading their privacy or causing conflict. It can lead us to unknowingly put our kids at risk if we’re unaware of their digital habits and adequately equipped with the right tools and knowledge to protect them online.

That’s why understanding the risks and best practices for monitoring our children’s online activities is so important. In this article, let’s explore how unmonitored internet use can impact kids—and why monitoring is essential for protecting them from harm.

What Is the Unmonitored Internet Use Risk for Kids?

Regarding children and unmonitored Internet use, the risks are real—and they can have some severe consequences. From cyberbullying and sexting to exposure to inappropriate content, or even potential contact with predators and other dangerous individuals, the potential for harm is ever-present.

Fortunately, there are steps that parents and guardians can take to help minimize these risks. The best way is to monitor their children’s online activities and set strict rules about online safety. Parents can ensure their kids aren’t watching harmful or inappropriate content by actively tracking which websites their kids visit.

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Dangers of Online Gaming and Social Platforms

Online gaming platforms like Steam, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network are popular among teens and preteens but can also be dangerous. Players can interact with strangers worldwide, form relationships based on false impressions, and potentially make themselves vulnerable to abuse. They may also become targets for malicious activity like cyberbullying or “swatting” (hacking into a player’s account to send out false reports to local law enforcement).

Similarly, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram paint an unrealistic picture of life and relationships that can lead to unhealthy expectations. Teens think their worth relates to how many ‘likes’ they receive on a post or photo. Children can see the adult topics such as hate speech, racism, sexism, and inappropriate material. Social media can cause significant stress as they compare their lives to the seemingly perfect ones they see portrayed in posts. Without proper monitoring and guidance from adults, children are more vulnerable to online risks such as violence in online games or cyberbullying on social networks.

How to Monitor & Supervise Internet Use for Kids

Supervising children’s internet use is essential to protect them from the potential risks of online interactions. While children tend to be very tech-savvy, they may need more experience and judgment to distinguish between safe and appropriate online behavior. Even though there may be trust issues, monitoring their online presence is crucial to keep them safe and secure.

By following the tips below, you can monitor internet use for kids:

Set Rules

The first step in adequately supervising your child’s online habits is to set some rules. This should include agreements on when kids can access the internet, what sites they should visit, who they can talk with, and how you need to be informed about their internet activities. In addition, both parents and children must clearly understand these boundaries.

Communicate with Your Kids

Constantly communicating with your children and discussing any concerns or questions will help ensure that parents understand their kids’ behaviors regarding the internet. This communication will create a mutual understanding between parent and child and help both parties feel more comfortable about the consequences of their actions when using the internet.

Utilize Technology

Parental control software or dedicated tracking applications can effectively ensure a safe online environment for your kids. With these tools, you can limit access times or restrict access to specific websites and monitor your child’s activity without threatening their privacy or breaching their trust in you as a parent.

Monitoring your children’s use of technology is all about ensuring their safety in an ever-growing digital environment.


Unmonitored internet use can severely affect kids’ safety, security, and well-being. However, with the right tools and strategies, parents can more easily implement measures to monitor and limit use, helping protect their children.

Monitoring internet use is much more than putting limits and restrictions in place; it should also involve open dialog and understanding how the internet works and the risks children could face. Parents can ensure their kids’ online activities are safe and managed by educating children about the potential harms and pitfalls of the online world and providing appropriate guidance, support, and mentorship.