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How to clean a marble table? Tips to follow


A chic and noble material, marble is emulated in interior decoration. Boasting a smooth feel, varied hues and rare elegance, it has met with great success in furnishing. Marble is thus used to make the tops of dining tables, coffee tables and other furniture. Despite all these qualities, it is still a fragile material that we recommend taking the greatest care. We provide you with advice on maintenance and use and cleaning to preserve the characteristics of marble.

Precautions to take with marble

Marble is a popular limestone in contemporary style interiors. Solid and aesthetic, it does however have a few small flaws that must be taken into account for the maintenance and the use that one makes of it. Although it is hard, it can be fragile in several respects.

This material is first porous. Its surface has an absorbent power. This means that the marble top of your table does not like all liquids. Water, wine, grease, oil… all these liquids are likely to stain the marble if nothing is done. The use of tablecloths, coasters and table mats during lunches and dinners is therefore a good solution to eliminate these risks. In the event of liquid splashing, it is best to intervene quickly and dry with a paper towel or a clean, dry cloth.

In the same way, we avoid contact with hot or very cold containers in contact with the marble. We prefer to place them on supports in order to avoid thermal shocks.

Another point, the marble must be maintained regularly to keep it shiny and intact. Over the years, a marble table can tarnish if it is not maintained. Do not panic however, the interview is not rocket science. You just have to know the products to use, those to avoid, and be a little diligent in the task.

Marble table: products to avoid

The marble must be maintained with specific products that we will see right after. Before that, it is good to know which ones to avoid, because they are too aggressive for this natural material. Among the products to be avoided, we can cite:

  • Bleach
  • White vinegar undiluted in water
  • Lemon juice

Routine maintenance

Dusting and regular maintenance of marble can be done with carefully chosen accessories. We favor microfiber and soft cloths as well as sponges without abrasive side to avoid possible scratches. The movements are done in a circular way and without too much pressure. If you use water or other liquid cleaning product, do not forget to dry at the end so that the marble does not soak up this liquid.

Cleaning the marble top

For a more thorough cleaning, different options are possible. Note that before using a particular product, it is wise to test it on a small surface or even better on a non-visible part, in order to ensure that it does not alter the appearance and the aesthetics of marble. Here are some recommended products and grandmother’s tips to clean it and restore its shine.

Marble wax

Special marble waxes are marketed. They are to be applied on the marble by respecting the instructions described on the container. These waxes play a double role, by protecting the surface from aggressions but also by making the marble shine.

Black soap or Marseille soap

Start by filling a container with hot water and pouring Marseille soap or black soap into it. Second, dip a sponge in the mixture and clean the marble surface. Finally, do not forget to dry well with a cloth without leaving traces. For more maintenance ideas, check here at Homary!

Dishwashing liquid

Dissolve a few drops of dish soap in the water and dip a sponge into the mixture. Then pass it over the surface and finish cleaning by rinsing with clear water with a damp sponge, then dry with a clean cloth.

White from Meudon and Spain

These are two natural and ecological products, made from chalk or clay, in the form of white powder and which can be used as cleaning products. It is possible to mix a few spoons of this white with a little water on a sponge, to apply with circular gestures on the marble table. Then rinse carefully with a sponge moistened with clear water and then dry with a soft cloth.