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how much does a coroner earn

how much does a coroner earn

how much does a coroner earn

how much does a coroner earn

If you want to become a professional in Forensic Medicine, you should know a little more about this career, including the profile you must have, your main occupations and responsibilities, the field of work where you can practice, but something that is important to know how much a professional earns. forensic.

The salary of a forensic doctor will depend, as in many other professions, on several factors, such as the accumulated experience, as well as preparation or academic degree, and the place where you work, that is, where you work as a professional. Also, other points that we will detail later.

What does a forensic doctor do?

Before answering the question, How much does a coroner earn? we must know their functions.

In this sense, we understand that forensics provides medical services in clinics, hospitals, and morgues. Mainly, they work with corpses to try to determine the causes that led to the death of a person and the time that has elapsed since the moment of their death, which is why they are obliged to ask about painful circumstances for the relatives of the deceased. So you need to have great skills not only at work but also personally.

However, their work is not only limited to this, they also help judges so that justice is done in various fields. To do this, they write detailed reports on the causes of death, highlighting any indication that indicates what caused it, their contributions being completely useful and decisive in a trial, which represents a great commitment.

There are forensic pathologists and anatomical pathologists, precisely the former are the ones that perform the autopsies to reveal the reasons for death, while the latter are the ones that determine the cause and time of death in those cases of hospital deaths.

To get an idea or find out how much a coroner earns in different countries, continue reading this article. How Much Does A Crime Scene Investigator Make?

How much does a coroner make?

Knowing how much a coroner earns can be somewhat complicated, since it will always depend on experience and the place in which you are working, not leaving aside the country in which you are.

Salaries for forensic pathologists are estimated to range from $150,000 to $600,000. However, there are forensic pathologists who work as medical examiners and who are contracted by the State, so these salaries are often affected by budget restrictions and many other factors. For this reason, it is best to directly investigate the type of employer source to accurately determine the salary of these medical professionals.

It is important to note that forensic doctors do not work independently as professionals from other medical specialties do,  that is, they work directly for organizations,  hospitalsclinics, or for the State, but they do have job prospects that are classified as excellent. Well, not everyone likes this branch of medicine.

In this way, if you wonder how much a coroner earns in:

  • Spain registers a monthly salary of €2,000.
  • A professional in this area in Mexico, meanwhile, earns around 150 thousand Mexican pesos.
  • While in Colombia the average is 12 million 300 thousand Colombian pesos.
  • Now, in the United States, the salaries of criminologists and forensics are around 69,050 dollars a year.

Where can you take courses related to the area?

It is not enough to know how much a coroner earns to become a professional. Next, we leave you some of the best options available in different countries.

In Spain

To graduate as a forensic professional you must first obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Medicine. After meeting this requirement you can choose two paths:

  • Take the MIR, with a specialization in Legal and Forensic Medicine to become a Specialist in this profession, which lasts approximately 3 years. Once this period is over, you will have obtained the Legal Medicine Specialist Title.
  • The other option is to act as an Official for the Ministry of Justice. For this, you must pass an opposition contest and then prepare for 6 months, which will give you the opportunity to work as a public employee.

In Mexico

You have the opportunity to specialize and earn a degree in Forensic Science at the University of Tijuana. Another option is the Specialty in Forensic Sciences dictated by the University Center of Ciudad Juárez, an alternative for those who wish to study a program under an online modality. Likewise, this study center offers diplomas in the areas of dentistry, ballistics, and forensic photography.

In Colombia 

In New Granada country, there is the opportunity to pursue technical careers that will lead you to become a professional criminologist. Among the group options is the Technological Career in Criminalistics from ISES, as well as the Technical Career in Criminal Investigation from the University of Magdalena.

In short, determining how much a coroner earns will depend, to a large extent, on his academic degree and the place where he works as a professional.

Careers Related to Forensic Medicine

You may have already gotten an idea of how much a coroner makes, however, it is important to know what other careers are related to forensics.

Forensic Odontology

This professional assists the judicial system of the country where it is practiced. The purpose of it is the identification of the deceased through records or mouth prints.

crime scene investigator

This professional is in charge of studying and carrying out the investigations that lead to determining the way in which the events occurred at the crime scene. The close encounter with corpses and the analysis of the evidence are some of the main tasks of this type of investigator.

forensic nurse

It is a nursing professional with a specialization to help patients who are victims of criminal processes or violence. They usually work in conjunction with doctors and professionals who are part of the judicial system. Their opinion is usually highly valued in-court statements.


Criminology professionals are in charge of studying the phenomenon of crime in four fundamental aspects: crime, criminal, victim, and social control of crime. The main thing that characterizes this profession is the use of the scientific method to attend to the theories created under its vision.


Criminalistics, usually closely related to Criminology, is a discipline whose objective is focused on the investigation of the crime scene and not so much on its social implication as if its similar does.

Knowing how much a coroner earns will be defined by whichever of the specializations you decide to study, however, they usually earn the same salary.

Get trained with Euroinnova

Now that you have an idea of how much a forensic man earns and you are interested in being a doctor in this area,  you can do it by taking courses related to this profession at the  Euroinnova Business School, where you will find the best alternative to being an expert in Forensic Medicine. or Criminalistics.

From the comfort of your home, you have the opportunity to progress in your training,  be up-to-date with your knowledge, acquiring new strategies and training methodologies.

Euroinnova is the virtual space where you can acquire knowledge in any area of ​​​​knowledge through approved courses and master’s degrees that will help you find tools to be an expert professional in the field of specialization of your career.