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Utilize Google Ad Manager for Your Small Business: How to Do It?

Google Ad Manager

For small businesses, Google Ad Manager makes it effective and very profitable to optimize ads across multiple accounts.

  • Google AdWords, which offers billions of ad impressions daily, is a powerful online advertising platform used by companies to market their goods and services.
  • A useful tool for advertisers that manage several ad accounts and campaigns is Google Ad Manager.
  • Your ad performance and ROI can be improved by using Google Ad Manager, which is free to use.
  • This guide is intended for advertisers and business owners who wish to utilize Google Ad Manager to enhance their Google Adwords campaigns and boost sales.

About three-fourths of marketers advise organizations to have a Google Adwords presence given that Google held a 92% market share of worldwide search in 2021. Google AdWords provides small company owners with an effective and reasonably priced approach to promote brand awareness and increase website traffic. Yet, some small firms have many Google AdWords accounts.

Enter Google Ad Manager, a useful tool that enables advertisers managing more than two ad accounts to centralize revenue and ad administration.

What is Google Ad Manager?

In June 2018, Google consolidated its former advertising platforms, DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange, into one new tool called Google Ad Manager. Google Ad Manager “may be used as an ad server, but it also gives additional tools for managing sales of online ads employing a specialized sales staff,” claims Sarkis Hakopdjanian, director of strategy and principle at The Business Clinic.

For major digital publishers, Google Ad Manager is largely used to improve the ad experience and optimize marketing campaigns. Via thorough, analytical reports, Google Ad Manager, which should not be confused with Google Ads, assists advertisers and marketers in analyzing ad revenue and enhancing ROI.

Google Ad Manager is marketed as a tool for professionals who require a single spot to monetize all forms of inventory, including websites, mobile apps, videos, and games. Moreover, Google Ad Manager enables companies to control their advertising revenue and utilize outside networks to bid for ad space.

Google Ads vs. Ad Manager vs. AdSense vs. AdMob

Google is renowned for its collection of tools for increasing corporate productivity. It can be challenging to distinguish between the company’s multiple ad-management products and when to utilize them, though.

An overview of some Google business products, such as Google AdWords, Ad Manager, AdSense, and AdMob, is provided below.

Google Ads: The company’s primary internet advertising platform is Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords. It displays advertisements on websites like Google Search, YouTube, and the Google Display Network, a vast network of websites where your Google Ads may be displayed.

Google Ad Manager: Ad Manager is a comprehensive platform for efficiently managing multiple Google AdWords accounts, and is commonly utilized by companies and marketing firms to maximize ad revenue.

Google AdSense: AdSense is a tool that enables website owners to make money by showing advertisements to niche audiences. The website publisher is paid if the user clicks the advertisement.

Google AdMob: For app developers that want to expand their businesses, AdMob focuses on mobile ads; developers can monetize their apps by providing international ads.

How to sign up for Google Ad Manager?

Creating an account for Google Ad Manager is simple and offers several options. Google Ad Manager accounts can be created by both new and existing Google AdWords users.

Creating a Google Ad Manager account is as follows:

Register for an account or log in.

  1. Choose Create a manager account on the Google Ad Management home page. Sign in with the account you want to designate as the managing account if you already have a Google AdWords or Gmail account. With as many as 20 Google AdWords accounts, you can use the same email address.
  2. Choose either Manage my accounts or Manage other people’s accounts. You must inform Google here if you are handling client accounts or your own accounts.
  3. Please indicate your billing nation and time zone. Google suggests deciding on your work-related time zone. The time zone cannot be altered once it has been chosen.
  4. Choose the currency for your account. Since client accounts will be charged in their currency, Google Ad Manager advises selecting the currency in which you conduct business (if it differs from the managing account). To manage clients from other countries, go to the Google Ad Manager Help Changing Currencies page.
  5. When you’re done, click Submit.
  6. Provide a display name for the account. Customers will see this name in their accounts. Choose wisely because you cannot change it later.
  7. Your Google Ad Manager account has been created when you choose Submit once more.

Explore the account.

  1. When finishing the new account creation, you’ll see a message of congrats. To view features and connect client accounts, choose Explore your account.

Whenever necessary, add another management account

Both the performance page and the sub-account settings can be used to create a new manager account.

The sub-account settings page can be used to create a management account as shown below:

  1. Enter your manager account login information and choose Settings from the left menu.
  2. Choosing Sub-account settings
  3. Choose Create a new manager account by clicking the blue plus symbol.
  4. Complete the necessary fields, hit Save, then proceed to create the second account.

To create a manager account from the performance page, follow these steps:

  1. After logging in, choose Accounts from the left-hand menu in Google Ad Management.
  2. Decide on Performance.
  3. Choose Create a new manager account by clicking the blue plus symbol.
  4. Re-enter the necessary data, including the currency and time zone. To continue creating the additional account, click Save.

After creating a new manager account in Google Ad Manager, you will be prompted to select which accounts to link. This can be achieved by rearranging accounts in the hierarchy using the customer ID.

How does Google Ad Manager work?

When it comes to managing your company’s Google AdWords, there are two schools of thought, according to Daniel Digiaimo, CEO of Baker Street Funding. “You can either have someone in-house who handles it full-time or engage outside agencies to manage your ads for you.”

For a number of reasons, according to Digiaimo, his business decided to maintain ad management in-house. “Our company’s pay-per-click (PPC) rate is high and it changes frequently. Someone is constantly keeping an eye on our clicks, pricing, and the number of leads that come into our company. We receive an average of 10 clicks each day in my company, with perhaps two of those clicks translating into actual clients.

Digiaimo also made a point about how crucial it is to monitor your business’s advertising budget and content. “If you just set it and forget it, you’ll have a mind-numbingly high bill with nothing to show for it,” the adage goes.

Alexa Kurtz, a marketing strategist and paid advertising expert at WebTek, outlined how simple conversion monitoring is with Google Ad Manager.

She stated, “[It’s] a terrific tool to track your return on investment.” “When setting up conversion tracking, Google [Ad Manager] will allow you to add specific information, such as lead value. With the use of such data, it will be possible to forecast how much money you can anticipate to make from the advertising once you start producing leads.

Does Google Ad Manager really work for small businesses?

Although Google Ad Manager is generally regarded as effective, Kate Bielinski, senior account manager at Sutherland Weston Marketing Communications, emphasizes the need of having goals in mind and a corresponding plan.

She said that adverts, whether displayed through Google AdWords or programmatic platforms, solely helped to drive visitors to the website. “With relevant and compelling information, the advertiser must be ready to convert the user. Since a component of Google’s bidding mechanism ranks sites by Quality Score and relevancy, doing this will also lower your conversion expenses.

Should small companies hire advertising specialists?

While small businesses can design, manage, and optimize their own advertisements, many experts advise hiring a specialist to handle all digital advertising and marketing initiatives, such as a marketing firm. Account manager at iQ 360 Rhianna Chung is one of their supporters.

“You’ll typically receive higher returns and preserve your brand when utilizing a professional,” she said. A qualified digital marketer can provide you advice on how to improve your landing pages, show you best practices, and give you a competitive advantage.

Because Google Partners are continually assessed on the effectiveness of the campaigns they manage, Chung also advises searching for a certified Google Partner when picking an agency to manage your ads. Also, they are familiar with Google’s distinctive platform and campaigns and have experience trafficking advertisements.

There are numerous advantages to working with a qualified Google Partner to oversee your paid advertising strategy, according to Kurtz. “The benefit that our clients appreciate the most is simply the assurance that their PPC advertising is in capable hands.

You can feel secure knowing that while you manage your business, your partner is managing theirs if you are a small business or anybody else deciding to collaborate with an organization that provides expert advertising services. A major plus is being able to trust your PPC agency.

What is programmatic advertising?

Digital adverts can be bought or sold automatically through programmatic advertising. It “takes out the ponderous and wasteful human aspect, allowing advertisers to target the appropriate people at exactly the right spot,” according to the team at marketing software startup Moz.

Riana Young, a digital marketing expert at Living Online, claims that the goal of programmatic advertising is to increase resource and spending efficiency.

Programmatic advertising, according to Young, “buys ad placements for you using machine intelligence, as opposed to having a marketer manually select the targeting and placements for banner ads on the Google Display Network.” Furthermore, you can broaden your reach to include more website positions than just those connected to Google advertising.

How does social media management come into play?

PPC advertising and social media management are very different from one another.

Yaniv Masjedi, CMO at Nextiva, said: “One should be careful to draw a boundary here. Social media management is distinct from PPC. A social media manager “won’t just toss out paid ads for high click-through rates, but will engage with your audience in an acceptable manner at all times.”

The top social media marketing agencies can perform in-depth analytics and use real-time engagement to address the queries and worries of your clients. Nonetheless, there are some connections between Google AdWords and social media management.

The Moz team continues, “Your customers are online [and] communicating via social channels with friends, coworkers, and other brands, whether you’re running a tiny, local firm or leading a worldwide, enterprise-level effort.