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A Comprehensive Guide To Dissertation Introductions


Dissertations are complicated pieces of work. They are a sum of many parts culminating in substantial research, analysis, hard work, and dedication. The overall success of a dissertation depends upon several factors, and a dissertation’s introduction is, undoubtedly, one of the most critical contributors to a dissertation’s success. 

Difficulties crafting an intriguing introduction remain a primary reason why thousands of research writers across diverse disciplines drop “do my dissertation for me?” requests with professional services. The intro is critical. It is up to the introduction to draw in the audience and inform, engage, & guide them further along the content. The preface of a dissertation must intrigue and inform readers about the research’s what, how, and why. Crafting an inimitable introduction for a dissertation is essential and, at the same time, quite intimidating for many. 

However, it is not as complicated and tough as it may seem. This article offers some key insights & aims to help anyone struggling with developing an impeccable dissertation introduction. 

The Features of A Good Dissertation Introduction

Writing a good dissertation intro is of paramount importance. Research writers must pay close attention to all the nuances of a good introduction for it to grab & hold the audience’s attention.  

So, what are the nuances of a good introduction? What are its key characteristics & features?

Well, in a dissertations introduction, the writer is tasked with doing three main things 🡪 

  • Introducing & Establishing the Domain of Investigation
  • Highlighting the specific focus or niche 
  • Laying down vital background information 

These three key things define the nature or characteristics of an intro and decide how impressed a reader will be. And developing each of these three aspects perfectly takes some effort. 

Ensuring excellence in these three aspects requires writers to dwell on several stages. The research topic, question/problem, and overall approach or methodology affect the steps involved. 

Here are the stages involved.

  1. Stating the broader topic by providing ample yet concise background information;
  2. Offering a preview of pertinent research literature as well as the literature review presented later;
  3. Defining the scope of the research topic in the context of the broader domain;
  4. Providing an outline of the research in the field;
  5. Presenting a concise evaluation of the conducted research and the gaps it addresses;
  6. Highlighting the importance of the current research;
  7. Stating the research question or problem;
  8. Stating the research hypothesis;
  9. Presenting an overall outline of the information presented and the theoretical framework of the research;
  10. Offering a glimpse of the research methodologies;

The significance of a dissertation introduction may be quite evident from the stages above. Developing an intro, which ticks all of the above requirements, requires carefully addressing the above stages.  

A writer needs to showcase their research’s most vital & insightful details, including their hypothesis, approach & methodology, etc. After offering pertinent information about current research, they will have to place their work in the grand scheme by pointing out how their investigations contribute to the greater knowledge of the domain. And needless to say, there must be a mention of the outline of the information to be presented. 

If this is your first time writing a dissertation or you struggle with all the different things to do, it is best to seek expert assistance from the professional dissertation and assignment help services.

Now, let’s move on and take a look at the content and organization.

The Intricacies of Writing An Interesting Introduction

Post-graduate theses and dissertations deliver information from an academic context. A formal tone and careful adherence to applicable writing guidelines are essential.  

  • Start by delivering crucial details about the framed research problem/question. 

This is important to help instructors understand how well you have identified a niche or gap in the broader research space. 

  • Next up, provide ample background information and highlight prominent research conducted.
  • Present pertinent information clearly and concisely. This allows you to put your work in context and discuss the gaps you are addressing and the scope of your investigation. 
  • What, Why, and How – The ‘what’ talks inform about the broader domain of discussion as well as the specific focus of the research. The ‘why’ dwells on the rationale and the need for the investigation and dwells on the gaps & limitations of current research and information. Finally, ‘how’ delivers information about the approach and methodology. 

As a research writer in practice, you must possess thorough knowledge about the research topic, the broader domain of investigation, all the relevant research conducted to date, your understanding, and your research plans. It is best to leave it until you finish the entire dissertation or have at least developed the literature review.

Here are some more handy tips to keep in mind to make your introductions near-perfect.

  1. Write your introductions after you are done with the literature review chapter. 

This comes in handy when you talk about major research and research gaps. It can also help if you craft it after you have narrowed it down to the specific research topic or developed a strong research hypothesis.

  1. The significance of the research and its broader implications on the investigations on the subject MUST be discussed & integrated with the background information, the relevant research outlined, etc.

Doing so will help your audience realize and understand why they should read further, what they might learn, and how the current research may help them in their research endeavors. 

  1. A brief overview of the theoretical framework should follow the preview of the literature review and the addressing of research gaps. 

Talk about the theories, concepts, ideas, and sub-areas in a domain that is the basis of your research. Connect the framework with insights and information from existing research. 

  1. Close on the heels of the theoretical framework comes the details of the research methodology. Justify your choices with proper reason and support. 
  2. Provide a preview of the literature review. Paraphrase key portions of the literature review, particularly information about the research gaps addressed and major findings linked with your research.  

Add major in-text citations in the intro. Cite studies you have discussed in the literature review, but do so briefly. Mention only those researches that are of primary relevance to your research. 

  1. Offer clear and concise information about the research hypothesis & objectives. 
  2. Wrap things up with an outline of the dissertation chapters.

Some Don’ts

  • Ensure the introduction does not overlap too much with the literature review and research methodologies.  
  • Never start the introduction with the research question. 
  • Do not be lengthy or wordy. Keep things concise always.
  • Never forget to add key citations.

Well, that’s a wrap for this write-up. Hope it was an interesting and informative read for anyone looking to learn more about dissertation introductions.

Dissertations can be quite challenging. Their importance simultaneously makes them exceptionally important to one’s learning and career. Go through sample dissertations, read dissertation help articles such as these, study more, and if need be, connect with professional assignment & dissertation help services. 

Al the best!


Anne Gill is a chemistry professor from a leading public university in London. A veteran of 18 years, she is also a part-time tutor and writer at, a leading global academic and assignment help service.