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 The Advantages of 3D Mammogram in Alamogordo: Why You Should Consider It

Digital Screening Mammography & Breast Imaging

3D Mammogram Alamgordo is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths among women in the United States. However, early detection through regular breast cancer screenings can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment and survival. One of the latest technological advancements in breast cancer screening is 3D mammography, also known as digital breast tomosynthesis. In Alamogordo, 3D mammograms are becoming increasingly popular due to their numerous benefits over traditional mammograms. In this article, we will discuss the advantages of 3D mammograms in Alamogordo.

What is 3D Mammography?

3D Mammogram Alamgordo is a type of breast cancer screening that uses low-dose X-rays to create multiple images or slices of the breast. Unlike traditional mammograms that produce only two images, 3D mammograms generate a series of images that can be viewed as a 3D reconstruction. This allows radiologists to examine the breast tissue layer by layer, making it easier to detect small abnormalities, especially in dense breast tissue.

Advantages of 3D Mammography:

Improved Detection of Breast Cancer:
One of the significant advantages of 3D mammography is its ability to detect breast cancer at an early stage. The multiple images produced by 3D mammograms provide more detailed and accurate information about the breast tissue, making it easier for radiologists to detect small tumors or abnormalities that may be hidden in traditional mammograms. In fact, a study by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 3D mammograms increased breast cancer detection rates by up to 41% compared to traditional mammograms.

Reduced False-Positive Results:
False-positive results occur when a mammogram indicates the presence of cancer when there is none. This can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for the patient and may result in additional tests or biopsies that are not needed. 3D mammography has been shown to reduce the incidence of false-positive results by up to 40%, according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. This is because the 3D images provide more accurate information about the breast tissue, reducing the likelihood of interpreting normal tissue as suspicious.

More Accurate Diagnosis for Women with Dense Breast Tissue:
Dense breast tissue can make it challenging to detect small tumors or abnormalities in traditional mammograms. This is because dense breast tissue appears white on a mammogram, making it difficult to distinguish between healthy and abnormal tissue. 3D mammography has been shown to be particularly useful for women with dense breast tissue, as the multiple images can provide a clearer view of the breast tissue, making it easier to detect small tumors or abnormalities.

Reduced Need for Additional Tests and Biopsies:
When a traditional mammogram produces suspicious results, additional tests or biopsies may be needed to confirm or rule out the presence of cancer. However, with 3D mammography, the improved accuracy and reduced false-positive results mean that fewer additional tests or biopsies are required, reducing the overall patient stress and discomfort.

Improved Patient Comfort:
3D mammography is generally more comfortable for patients than traditional mammography. This is because the 3D images require less compression of the breast, resulting in less pain and discomfort during the procedure. Additionally, the 3D images can be viewed from multiple angles, reducing the need for additional imaging if the first images are not clear.


Breast cancer is a serious disease that affects millions of women worldwide. However, with regular breast cancer screenings and early detection, the chances of successful treatment and survival increase significantly. In Alamogordo, 3D mammography is becoming increasingly popular due to its

3D Mammogram Alamgordo How Its Work?

3D mammography, also known as digital breast tomosynthesis, is a type of breast cancer screening that uses low-dose X-rays to create multiple images or slices of the breast. Unlike traditional mammograms that produce only two images, 3D mammograms generate a series of images that can be viewed as a 3D reconstruction. This allows radiologists to examine the breast tissue layer by layer, making it easier to detect small abnormalities, especially in dense breast tissue.

Here’s how 3D mammography works:

Before the procedure, the patient is asked to remove any jewelry or clothing from the waist up and wear a gown. The patient will then be positioned in front of the mammography machine, and the breast will be positioned on a platform.

Does an Abnormal Mammogram Mean I Have Breast Cancer?

Image Acquisition:
During the procedure, the breast is compressed gently between two plates, and the X-ray arm of the mammography machine will move over the breast, taking multiple images at different angles. This process takes only a few seconds, and the patient may be asked to hold their breath to minimize movement and improve image quality.

Image Processing:
After the images are acquired, a computer processes the data to create a 3D reconstruction of the breast tissue. The radiologist can then view the images in different planes and magnifications to examine the breast tissue layer by layer.

The radiologist will examine the images for any abnormalities or signs of breast cancer. If a suspicious area is found, the radiologist may recommend additional imaging or a biopsy to confirm or rule out the presence of cancer.


Overall, 3D mammography is a safe and effective breast cancer screening tool that provides more detailed and accurate information about breast tissue, making it easier to detect small tumors or abnormalities that may be hidden in traditional mammograms. The procedure is similar to traditional mammography, with only a slight increase in radiation exposure, and the benefits of earlier detection and reduced false-positive results can lead to improved patient outcomes.