When we think about exams we cannot help but think about innumerable coffee mugs on the table giving company to your late-night study sessions. Exams are one of the most challenging aspects of your academic life. As you head into the battle of final semesters, you will find there are too many things to learn and remember. You have a long syllabus to cover and you do not know what to do to dodge the bullet.
Now, one study technique that works for someone else might not work for you. So, you must experiment your way around to find the academic assignment helper technique that works best for you.
To help you out, here are some of the most practical ways to successfully conquer your exams.
1. Make the most of your class time
Pay special attention to the lecture, attend all of the class sessions, and take notes in a way it makes sense to you. It should be clear and easy to understand so you can review them whenever you want. Taking good attention will mean that you pay complete attention during your class. Do not hesitate to raise your hand and ask questions when you have any doubts.
2. Create a proper study plan
Draw a proper case study schedule before the beginning of your exam. Make sure to stick to the syllabus and break it down into manageable chunks. Also, estimate the total time you will need to dedicate to each part of the exam question. This will also give you enough time to plan for your revision and prevent you from leaving anything behind. You must allocate separate study hours. This will help you with maintaining a proper healthy school-life balance.
3. Create flashcards
Flashcards have been proven effective whenever students prepare for their studies. Write down important concepts, definitions, and facts in the textbook. Use them to quiz yourself by taking the help of others. It is an excellent way of reviewing important study materials.
4. Look for the perfect study spot
While some people need complete silence, others prefer little music or the sound of a busy café to stay focused on the task. It's incredibly important that you carefully choose the study spot that suits you best. It's best to sit at your desk to maintain your posture as well as your focus on your study. The room where you are studying should be well-lit, and the temperature should be appropriate.
5. Avoid studying when too stressed
When you are highly stressed, it's best to avoid high-tension activities. Make sure to devote enough time to relax before opening your textbook or reading. It will give you enough time to clear your time and improve your studying skills effectively. Studying under stressful conditions will only unnecessarily make you feel frustrated. If you are unable to de-stress, consider looking for a genuine and trustworthy academic assignment help service.
6. Form a study group
Studying in a group of classmates can be extremely valuable even if you prefer studying alone. You will exponentially enhance your knowledge of the subject when you are studying in a group. In a group, you can clear out each other's confusion. You can also share notes with each other. Even while explaining a concept, you will improve your level of understanding.
7. Take study breaks
Breaks are equally important for you. It will keep your mind sharp and avoid all the restlessness from focusing on studies for long periods. Choose this time to grab a snack, listen to your favorite song or just go for long walks. Activities can increase your energy level and reduce stiffness in your body.
8. Study daily and avoid all-nighters
Instead of going through a marathon study session the night before your exam, why don’t you study regularly? Retaining more information and memorizing large amounts of data in this way will be much more effective. When you study in batches, you will prevent getting overloaded with information overnight.
9. Break a topic into smaller sections
When studying a broad topic, it’s always best to break down the task into smaller sections. Focus on one chapter at a time and then revise them from time to time. This way, you will not feel overwhelmed. While studying, try writing the important pointers in your notebook and quiz yourself. Remembering points this way will be easier and more effective.
10. Choose the learning style that suits you
Everyone has got a unique learning style. What works for your friend might not work for you. So it is necessary to identify the learning style that is helping you to learn the information faster. For instance, if you seem to learn better when someone explains to you, you will be an auditory learner. If you are someone who learns best by visualizing images, then consider yourself to be a visual learner. However, you may end up using more than one learning style.
Here are the different types of learners.
Visual learners
Visual learners learn best using the following:
- Charts
- Graphics and visuals
- Diagrams
- Flashcards
- Mind-maps
Auditory learners learn best by hearing. You can benefit from the following:
- Group discussion
- Listening
- Speaking
- Mnemonic devices
- Verbal repetition
- Sound recordings
If you learn best by reading and writing, you will benefit from these:
- Creating detailed notes
- Reading
- Writing
- Re-writing notes for revising
- Viewing information in word form
If you learn best by touch, you will benefit from these:
- Hands-on approaches
- Movement
- Tactile representations
- Models and materials
- Physical interactions
- Practice and experiences
11. Leave your phone in another room
It is essential to avoid entertainment websites and social media when you are studying. Don’t be trapped with constant notifications, videos, recommendations, and updates. When studying, ensure that you are not distracted by any activity. Consider leaving your phone in another room. You may also install a content blocker on your desktop or laptop to maintain hardcore study sessions. This will help you block access to sites that cause the most distraction.
12. Exercise
Research has proven that physical activities can do wonders for your cognitive function. With regular exercise, you will be able to learn faster. You need not be a regular gym-goer to have an active lifestyle. You can stay active by taking simple choices like walking, jogging, or taking the stairs instead of the lift. Exercise will help with your concentration level, and improve your mental
health, and boost your mood.
Preparing for your exam need not be a stressful experience. All you need to do is take advantage of your time before you start your exam. Your grades matter the most, so do not accept anything less than perfect. Make sure to do it properly first and every time. Aim high and ace your exam.
Good luck!
AUTHOR BIO: Georgia Davidson is a professional blogger who covers career, workplace issues, academic problems, and every aspect of student life. She has completed BA in English Literature from a highly reputed university in the UK. She is also associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com, where she offers academic assignment help services in several subject areas.
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