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8 Tips for Students to Exclude Plagiarism for Their Dissertations

8 Tips for Students to Exclude Plagiarism for Their Dissertations

When writing a research paper, it might be challenging to locate pertinent information and proof to back your claims. Including essential knowledge and drawing on previously established ideas and beliefs are necessary stages, but they must be taken cautiously to avoid plagiarizing.

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words, ideas, or works without their consent and/or without giving appropriate credit. This specifically refers to copying significant portions or the entirety of someone else’s work while feigning originality, copying minor portions of someone else’s work under fair use without proper attribution (i.e., missing quotation marks and missing, misleading, or incorrect citation), grossly copying ideas or the narrative of another work without citing its source, using images or photos without permission, etc.

Here are 8 tips that every researcher should follow to stay away from the plagiarism trap:

Maintaining a record of your sources

One of the most common ways students unintentionally exhibit someone else’s work is to forget where they obtained the idea. You can easily escape this pitfall by keeping your notes organised and making a list of citations as you go.

Make sure to designate which ideas belong to you and which don’t in your notes Moreover, be sure to accurately indicate any content with quotation marks that you have borrowed directly from a source.

Red denotes a claim that needs to be supported by a source, blue denotes information that has been paraphrased or summarized from a source, and green denotes a direct citation.


Don’t copy and paste from other papers. It is preferable to rephrase someone else’s ideas in your own words (a practice known as “paraphrasing”) and cite the original author. Alternatively, if you wish to specifically quote the original author, put quotation marks around the text you copied and pasted, then add the citation.

Make doing research a habit

Making research a habit is a crucial step in avoiding plagiarism. It implies that you should always do the extensive study before you begin writing. When conducting research, use a variety of sources to reduce the risk of plagiarism. We get more knowledge related to a particular term or topic when we research it.

Instead of just adding duplicate content, you may use that knowledge to create original content. Excellent research exposes people to new knowledge.

Practically speaking, your research abilities also got better with time. Isn’t it incredible? Now knowing how to prevent plagiarism in your writing, you can also learn new things.

Use plagiarism detectors

To determine how much of your paper is plagiarised, use several plagiarism detection software like iThenticate or HelioBLAST (formerly eTBLAST).

It is okay to evaluate previously published content, but not to drastically paraphrase it. The majority of plagiarism occurs in any document’s literature review section (manuscript, thesis, etc.). So, you won’t ever be accused of plagiarism if you carefully study the original work, try to understand the context, take good notes, and then explain it to your target audience in your own words (be sure to include the source’s citation) (at least for the literature review section).

Enhance your content with worthwhile stuff

Writing mistakes, especially plagiarism problems, are inevitable for beginning writers. There could be a variety of causes. One of the reasons is that you might not know what to include and what to leave out. Google returns a ton of comparable results when we conduct a topical search.

Well, adding worthwhile content is a straightforward response to this query. Not all of the information you obtain online may be included in your content.

Summarize every important finding from your investigation, and then begin writing about it. Instead of merely being lengthy and pointless, make your material worth reading and informative.


Self-plagiarism frequently results from using your prior writing or visuals in new papers. Self-plagiarism frequently constitutes copyright infringement because you typically give up copyright when you transmit your work to a publication. Republishing content that is already available elsewhere is not recommended due to potential copyright violations and bad business practices.

Do not submit your work before editing it.

Proofreading is our final piece of advice. The core of writing is proofreading. Never forget to edit your writing after you have finished it.

Wait until you’ve finished the assignment before you begin proofreading. If you’re exhausted from work, you’ll get annoyed by it, so most students use Online Thesis Editing Services to proofread your work quickly.

Paraphrase instead of duplicating

Using the paraphrasing tool is another excellent way to create original content. We can develop entirely new content with the technology without doing anything at all. Avoid thinking about preparing an assignment by incorporating content directly from the internet if you are pressed for time and it is due.

Instead, take the smart route and use an internet tool for paraphrasing. You only need to provide the tool with the source text, and it will generate an original assignment for you.


It is worthwhile to make the effort to follow these recommendations to avoid plagiarism in your work. Finally needs continuous effort to learn how to avoid plagiarism in addition to becoming more aware of what plagiarism is.

It used to take a lot of time to remove plagiarism, but not any longer. You should follow some advice whether you’re a student or a professional writer.

In addition, you can take advantage of Online Dissertation Writing Service to avoid plagiarism in your writing. You can get assistance from experts in every type of writing work through them.


BAW. 2018. How Assignment Writing helps in securing Good Grades?. Online Available at: <> (Accessed: 3 March 2023).

Murray, R., 2019. Writing for Academic Journals 4e. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).